Spring is the air the ground and all around.
My garden inspires me in all of its seasons- loaning me palettes to color my designs. Here is my Vermont Garden on a Spring Day in May.
A place dedicated to the beauty of mother nature.
What inspires you?
Tell me your tale and I will select a winner for my nature inspired Papillion Jacquard Jade 18" Napkin Bundle
(please include your email address to contact you - or email me at
aprilcornell(at)aprilcornellholdings.com to enter)

Feel Beautiful, Live Beautiful, Be Beautiful
Please join me in congratulating Tamara H. - Winner of this Giveaway
Thank you all for participating as always!
I live a few minutes from Sweetwater State Park. It has a lovely stream and also the ruins of an old grist mill. I love to walk the paths to the mill and see the trees, flowers and the wonderful water as it flows over the rocks. I take photos and try to capture it's beauty. The lazy dragonflies buzzing around are something that inspire me. It is beautiful, peaceful and exciting all at once.
LindaMac at gmail dot com
Oh my gosh! It seems I am always inspired most by my memories. Our family and our European heritage is such an integral part of everything I am. It seems I'm usually drawn to the colors of the European countryside and flavors I remember from my childhood
xoxo Pattie
Beautiful gardens!! I can see why they inspire.:)
Please enter me in your giveaway!
The birds in my garden inspire me, they are always flitting about, making their bird noises. I get inspired by their cheerfulness and it lightens my spirit and inspires me to make the landscape even more attractive to them!
My garden is also a place of inspiration for me. With the beautiful colors of the flowers in spring, the plants that produce berries in the Fall for the birds and the warmth of the summer sun all give me ideas for decorating and setting my tables.
I also get inspiration from my family and friends. I use their hobbies, likes and interest to come up with clever ways to entertain.
My other way I get highly inspired is by material and I must say that you have some of the most beautiful material that you use in your products.
I would be so honored to win your giveaway.
I am so lucky to be moving into my boyfriends new house. The back yard is so big and the woman who lived there before he bought this house loved to garden and there is usually something always in bloom! It feels like MY secret garden! It is so beautiful to see what will appear! After a rain I walk outside and watch the birds and smell the flowers and see the little drops of water resting on the leaves and flower petals and I thank God for letting me wake up each day and be a part of this beautiful world! The geese and ducks fly over while Sterling the gray cats strolls by my side through the garden and two beautiful rescue border collies smile and run about the yard! Life is good and God is always good! Louise Davis
We are a knife making family and inspired by nature! All of our products - whether wood or antler - are hand finished and we are dedicated to bringing out the beauty unique to each individual piece. The incredible landscapes that surround us where we live inspire us too! It's part of what brings motivation and anticipation to spring out of bed each day and dive into our work.
I can't imagine how anyone *couldn't* be inspired by nature!
mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com
On this very day, the sun shining ridiculously, I simply sat and looked at this "garden" and yard that is now mine.
I was thinking, talking to myself, actually.
"Everything I have planted will grow and bloom."
This garden, that has been so neglected and unloved is now not only loved and cared for, but 'needed' too. Sea holly, bergamot, forget-me-nots, daisies, cosmos and more, all gifted and moved from the garden of a wonderful friend, will thrive and bring me more joy than I can begin to explain.....
And then, a child Robin landed on the deck railing, all puffed and chirping, happy that his 'first flight' had been successful! Mother, close by sang the Robin song of encouragement and instruction.
The wee one took a big breath and flew again, across the yard to the back garden edge...and back! The two, she with food and he visibly astonished at what he had done, stayed just a few feet away from me for a long while chirping and chatting, turning as though to include me.
Yes, on this very day, the Universe not only shared, but seemed to include me in its awesomeness.
Yes, everything I have planted will grow and bloom...and, so will I.
ilove color in a garden. the brighter, more vibrant colors the better. the green is only for a backdrop for the flowers. if they attract nature all the better-birds, butterflies. i do avoid deer and rabbits though.
joan g
It inspires me when I hear the birds sing in my yard; especially the wrens. So many notes. I find inspiration in nature's music as well as the man-made kind. I put on some music and find my powers of creation set flight. It even inspires me to clean! Now that's power!
What inspires me? The colors of the flowers blooming in "Mama's Garden." A little grandniece who plays T-rex in the wilds by hiding in the corn in the garden. The deer that just stand in the yard and look at us. The huge white and black water bird that flies up into a tall pine tree. My brother on his tractor mowing the field. Scampering calves running after their mother. And, my mother who is a long time quilter and gives me good advice. She loves cloth napkins because they are ecologically green. Thank you for this giveaway.
Dear April,
The seasons inspire me - each one holds something beautiful that you know will not last forever so you must get out there and savor, savor, savor. . . play and revel in them while you can.
Your garden is lovely in every way. Thank you for your video and soft voice, your eye for the hidden details, and gentle calming presence as we enter the "April" sanctuary.
Love and periwinkle blue flowers,
We have a back yard filled with flowers and bushes of all kinds and colors. It's so nice to sit there and take in all the beauty. And it's my hubby who loves to do the yard work! How great is that?? paweis at yahoo dot com
I really enjoyed the pictures of your garden, it is beautiful. Gardens are so much work, but they don't feel like work do they? What inspires me? My children, they are so full of hope and happiness, it oozes from them, I just love watching them, I am always learning from them.
Early this morning I wondered along a winding French country road listening to the sounds of the birds with silence surrounding us. Rounding a corner a field of vibrant red poppies created a wide stripe amongst the green vineyards. The moment, the colors, the sounds will remain with me as a welcome to the day. A painting? Or just a memory? The day shall tell.
I visit your blog often and I am inspired by birds. I especially appreciate your hand-painted cake with birds, and your new kitchen towel with the birds. Thanks for the give-away!
I feel very blessed to have the gift of eyesight.
I enjoy finding inspiration of beauty in my surroundings.
Nature, color, texture, organic forms, rocks, tree bark, industrial metals, a delicate mellow, soft bloom of a Cosmos, the way the sun plays of my daughters hair, the multi colored coat of my pup, the amazing faces of people I encounter through out my day, a soaring bird of prey, a USA post stamp, the silhouette of a vintage 62 jag, the color of jam mellowing in their jars on display at the county fair, walking down the rows and rows of fabric at the store, the sun rise the sun set.
Color is so important to me, daily, as our weather is inclement (no sun) a good deal of the year.
Thank you for hosting a lovely giveaway.
I've been a fan of yours for years.
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