The Beauty of Color + Book Giveaway!

Enjoy this video that gives you an insight into the April Cornell world of color. Color evokes emotion and mood, and through it I establish a point of view, sometimes delicate and soft, sometimes deep and dark and saturated, other times, brilliant and boldly expressive. I use color to make a statement and reflect the many influences of our beautiful world.

Tell me how you feel about color in your life and you can win my book:
April Cornell Decorating with Color!
-- Please remember to include an email address so the winner can be contacted --


Live Beautiful, Feel Beautiful, Be Beautiful

UPDATE: We have a winner! Congrations to Lynne D.


Sherri said...

I love color...and I love learning about it. With each quilt I make, I think I learn and understand a little more!

Nancy said...

I love color in every part of my life. In every room of my house, the walls are a color as opposed to white. When I was in high school, my clothes were hanging on the line and my mother commented -" No one could say that you don't like color."
As a quilter, I am pretty fearless in combining bold, bright and beautiful colors. I do love the colors of all your textiles. Often pick up something that I like, only to find it was designed by April Cornell!

My name is Sarah said...

I love green and coral. They are my favorite colors.

LDarroch said...

Color for me is reflective.

On the surface, reflective of the mood of the moment. Reflecting the light, hiding in the shadows, being elusive or eye-catching...

It is reflective of culture and geography. Some colors are drawn from your immediate surroundings, inspired by the light and climate and nature that surrounds you.

Other colors are aspirational or about memories of other times and places. Each era and local has its palette, and these can be drawn on to create affinities (I am exotic, I am rustic, I am a world-traveler, I am cutting-edge) or memories of travels and people from other times.

Color is a tool in a creative arsenal to communicate multiple meanings.


Wendy Nelson said...

I love colour and each room in my house portrays a part of myself in those colours... kitchen the heart of the house is done in warm colours of golds, greens, tans, browns... very welcoming colours... the living room is relaxing and done in browns and blues.. and variations with paintings of my favorite places... the Alberta Mountains done by Margaret Kinsella... bedroom.... beiges and browns accented by floral designs... showing my antiques to the best... and the family room... a gathering of everyone in the family... golds, greens, rust...accented by matching florals... with lots of windows, lots of light..lots of love.


Andrea said...

This is such a fascinating topic! For several years we've enjoyed helping ladies of all ages discover which colors suit them the best. It's so rewarding to watch them grasp this aspect of beauty and delight in complimenting their God given features. Periwinkle is one we always recommend too, especially when dressing a group of ladies, such as bridesmaids. More recently, I've been delving into the use of color in film. All these studies are so very interesting and lead me to ponder God's choice of colors in creation. Can you imagine if, say, foliage was bright red instead of green? I think we'd all be stark raving mad all the time! =)

debra graham said...

As a florist, my every day is spent thinking about color. Which vase will best compliment this particular flower? This customer wants to say 'friendship' with his flower gift, what color will that be? It goes on this way all day. What fun! And in my own life, as a redhead, I have to think a bit more than usual about what clothing suits me and my coloring. (And by the way, the Cornell colors suit me quite nicely!)~Debra

chrom said...

I never can choose outfits until I wake up - because the color and feel have to match my mood. Gray to soothe me, Red to wake me, Green to enrich me, Pink to make me happy, and Purple to be wild. Those are my go-tos. As far as my house, I painted my wainscoting around my claw foot tub in my bathroom lime green. I don't regret it one bit. My bathroom is bright and fun.

Unknown said...

Lately, I've been in to yummy warm saturated color on top of neutral. A friend of mine told me recently that the older she gets the more she's drawn to bold color!

Anonymous said...

As a quilt shop owner my background color at home is very neutral. I bring in color with all of the accessories that I love along with quilts of vibrant colors in the spring and summer and warm hues in the winter and fall. Color makes my world inviting and keeps me visually warm. Thankfully I have access to so many wonderrul fabrics that I can bring home to play with - I do love all of your fabrics and keep them well stocked.

Providence Handmade said...

I can't live without color! Nothing can soothe or excite you like a color and I think that's just amazing! Thanks for such a great giveaway. :)

Liz B. said...

I like to surround myself with saturated, rich colors. Somehow it energizes me without stressing me out. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
liz dot groleau at gmail dot com

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I do love color but I have so much to learn about it. Quilting has brought me closer to understanding it as well as my daughter who naturally sees color in so many more variations than I do...what a gift. I took a course in college years ago about the psychology of color. It is fascinating.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I love color!~ I like how it can evoke moods and how changing them just a bit can alter the whole feeling. :-)

Unknown said...

I have always felt afraid of colour -- the fear of choosing the wrong combinations, looking silly, worrying about what people would think.
Then, I started to really look at the colours in nature. Wow! What was I afraid of??
And I no longer worry about what anyone else is thinking!


Tammy said...

Oh is so important in my life! I love oranges, yellows...the bright cheery colors. I was a single mom for years and rented homes with white walls...when I got my own house there is not a white wall in the place! Color is comforting and soothing. Thanks for the give away! I quilt, but do need help with picking out fabrics that go well together.

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I love color but need to learn more about it. I have a better understanding of color since I have been making quilts. I also took a course in college...The Psychology of Color. It was fascinating. Would love to win your book. I want to know more!

Dresden Quilter said...

For me, colour represents memories. I have made a quilt using my wedding colours, am working on one right now that is the colours of the first flowers I planted at my first owned house, and am collecting fabrics for a third to make the colours of my favourite sweater.

Anonymous said...

I live in Minnesota and everything is white right now. (The sun is shining and it's gorgeous!) I love color! I think there should be a splash of red in every room. I'm learning to love the lines of quilt fabric that don't "match". Sometimes I buy yarn and fabric just because I like the color. It may not even be something I'll ever use. said...

Color is like a jewel in a room. It should create/elicit emotion.

Deb said...

I have found that as I've gotten older my color tastes have changed. I never would have worn or loved browns or oranges, and now I {heart} those colors! At the moment, I'm sitting here in an orange sweater, and I made an orange quilt last year, plus I'm loving the browns and pinks and the browns and turquoises that you see popping up on the quilting scene. Bright colors are my favorites! Thanks for the chance to win your book.

Luv 2 Kreate said...

Wish I new how to use color...I am bland and boring :(

Anonymous said...

My favorite color is green - any shade of green. I love green in every part of my life - cell phone, laptop, clothes, kitchen stuff, purses and of course fabric...... Its cheery, happy and reminds me of spring.


Susan Hopper said...

Color helps me flow with the seasons of my life. At the end of summer, teal, spiced pumpkin, and plums allow me to embrace the richness of the autumn without mourning the loss of summer too long. As the holidays approach, wine, silver, cream, and ebony make me feel festive and cheer me through the dark days of winter. As February wears on, I long for robin's egg blue, lavender, and spring green to remind me that sunnier days are ahead! Finally, in the summer, I revel in crisp white, navy, orange, and fuschia. Changing with the seasons helps me to feel more in tune with the world around me. What better way to express yourself than to change your personal palette with the seasons?

Unknown said...

Color is something I carry within me, as if an inner geographical landscape. Dreams come in color and memories, and special days, also have certain colors associated with them. Since I'm not living in my own space, I try to wear my colors (green, purple, blue) more than ever!

Unknown said...

Color is an expression of who I am, how I am feeling, and my fearlessnes to try something new. I am drawn to the bold palette of bright greens, black/white with a splash of lipstick red,but at the same time, the softness of pale pinks, transparent pastels, and creamy velvets never cease to make me smile. Life is a kaleidoscope of color in my sewing room!

♥Duff said...

I do not have an"eye" for color yet. I have always surrounded myself with muted blues/earth tones and felt very peaceful.
However, I just purchased a painting with red and yellow in it and I really like the intense, elated feeling I get when I look at it. I want to learn how to transfer that to creating something with fabric!

Susie said...

I think color tells a story about who you are. For me, it tells others that there is a hint of the unexpected with me. I love neutral base colors with a pop of a bright color. Earthy browns with vibrant pink, blue or purple. Black with firey red or bright yellow. Grey and pink is another great combo. I don't look good in orange, but I love it, so to me it's a cozy color. I can't pull off wearing it, but I do have orange accents in my home. I figure if it doesn't look good on me it'll look good somewhere on the table or wall or bed or couch.

Darlene said...

I like soft warm colors like blue, rose and yellow. But lately I have been trying to use more bright colors in my quilts and the clothes I wear. I have got on this red kick and enjoy wearing it and using it as I decorate. I also associate different colors with the seasons. Spring is coming (I hope) and the fresh spring colors of yellow, green, pink and blue will be a refreshing welcome to this cold winter weather we are having.

Jikkes said...

I can't without color!
I've tryd to keep the colors in my house simple.
White, grey....earththones...
Ofcourse they are colors to, but when you say to me...COLORS....
I will think of Pink, red, purple, green, orange, yellow......
So our house is full of color ;o))

X Maureen

SewLindaAnn said...

Color has been the focus of my inspiration lately. I am finally accepting that I can make my home feel the way that makes me happy and not what someone else's idea of matching is. I love a flea market style, and things don't get finished right away because I work in stages, and that's okay now. I just finished my coffee table and it took a month. I love the yellow rubbed top the country green edges and white antiqued sides and legs. It makes me happy to use it and look at in the room with a vintage mat to put candles on. My walls are next, no more standard gold or tan. I'm trusting myself from now on!!!

Kathy - mom of many said...

I think color coordinating does not come naturally...when it comes to decorating, I need all the help I can get. thanks for the giveaway.

Jennifer said...

I have learned so much about color since I started quilting. I always thought colors had to match PERFECTLY in order to look good. My decorating scheme was usually limited to two, maybe three colors because I wanted to make sure everything matched. But it's amazing to step back and realize that several colors or even different shades of a color can look lovely. I'm still learning, but I'm getting there and starting to take more risks :).

Erin M. said...

I'm frugal and I worry that by taking chances with color I will "waste" money. So I am not risky with colors as I maybe wish I were. Thanks.

carmel said...

i feel that the love of colors changes in my life, acording to the seasons, my mood, if im hot or cold
and the intresting thing is that it always repeats it self in the same way.

thanks for the giveaway

Jane said...

There seems to be a theme running here and it is just as I thought. People seem to gravitate to more & bolder color as the get older. Certainly the case with me. On line last year I ordered half yard cuts of every fabric/color that struck my fancy. I was shocked at the bold colors (mostly orange, teal and gold)I had selected, but ultimately made a quilt from them that my husband and I absolutely love. It makes the room glow! Others may find it loud or gaudy, but who cares? I only have so much time on this earth, so why not spend it surrounded and saturated with God's lovely colors?

Loves to Quilt said...

I don't know where I am with color. Some times I quilt with earthy fabrics and then BOOM, I do something BRIGHT. I have wanted to make a red quilt but so far, haven't started one--my inner self says whoa, too bright. I have also used a lot of soft pastels. So, who knows!

Tascheleia Marangoni said...

Colour is like scent. It envokes emotion and so much more. It brings about fond memories of warm summer days and people we care about. Just as the smell of apple pie might remind one of their Mother's kitchen, the colour strawberry red might do the same. And moreover, that same colour might have that same person suddenly smelling apple pie...

A beautiful pastel green always makes me think of Spring and I'm forever happy to see this colour. Peach and blue in combination make me think of my Grandmother, whom I love dearly. And whenever I see a light purple I am sure I can smell lavender. A beautiful cream always brings about a feeling of happiness for me and of richness too; I love to wear it and decorate with it. A deep, rich red brings about feelings of Christmas, a really lovely time of year.

Colour, like scent, spins feelings, memories, emotions and words... like a visual poem swirling through the air. Hand touched by Mother Nature's brush.

Tascheleia Marangoni said...

Colour is like scent. It evokes emotion and so much more. It brings about fond memories of warm summer days and people we care about. Just as the smell of apple pie might remind one of their Mother's kitchen, the colour strawberry red might do the same. And moreover, that same colour might have that same person suddenly smelling apple pie...

A beautiful pastel green always makes me think of Spring and I'm forever happy to see this colour. Peach and blue in combination make me think of my Grandmother, whom I love dearly. And whenever I see a light purple I am sure I can smell lavender. A beautiful cream always brings about a feeling of happiness for me and of richness too; I love to wear it and decorate with it. A deep, rich red brings about feelings of Christmas, a really lovely time of year.

Colour, like scent, spins feelings, memories, emotions and words... like a visual poem swirling through the air. Hand touched by Mother Nature's brush.

Anonymous said...

I came across an old saying in colour and design theory that stated: "Blue with Green should never be seen"...
That is ridiculous!
February in Canada brings a longing for bright blue skies and rich green grass kissed with the warmth of yellow sunshine. Perfect!
Imagine it...magic.


Donna Engborg said...

I don't think can have too much color in anything you do. I love so many colors that I have the hardest time deciding on just one for a project or room. It can take me months to choose sometimes. But when I finally do, I know it's the right choice.

I believe color can really affect your mood. So I use color in so many ways. At home, it's relaxing; for my clothes, it's confident, for my accessories it's fun! Color is my way to express my feelings, my desires, my outlook!

Even my boys have expressed themselves with color. They each have their favorite, and they will consistently choose clothing of that color. It can get real confusing when you see my younger son (who's favorite color is blue) wearing something green, handed down from his older brother. They are so close in age, height, and weight, that you have to do a double-take sometimes!

Donna Engborg

Bonnie said...

I love most colors, but sometimes have a hard time using them in my home. Your book would be a great help. Bonnie

Jenny said...

i love color in my life, i certainly wish i had a better handle on how to mix colors in my quilts though...oddly enough, 95% of my wardrobe is solid colored 4 year old daughter REFUSES to wear a solid color shirt and insists on "lots of colors!". thanks for a chance at this great book!

thegoose said...

I love colors so rich and saturated that take almost take my breath away, but I only wear "safe" blacks and greys and have a difficult time putting together quilt colors, too. Maybe it's time to let go. Or read your book. Or both. :)

Marcia W. said...

After years in the dress-for-success colors of navy, gray, and taupe....I am now learning about color. I look at many of the sites that talk about color palettes site, and ask my mother for advice in selecting color. Your book would be an awesome resource in my quest to make more colorful quilts.

Mystica said...

We would be very drab without color. It colors our entire life. I would love to win this book


Amy DeCesare said...

I'm growing to notice colors more every day, and love learning more about them. I used to hate orange, but am feeling drawn to it more and more. Still love periwinkle, too, though, so I'll be looking forward to next spring for your new line. Here's something "sick" -- I LOVE to read the NAMES of colors, as in paint swatches! ha ha

Patty said...

I've always loved green. I think it's because it reminds me of spring. And seeing all the flowers start to poke their heads thru the dirt is so pretty. I found out that I don't really like yellow. I painted my kitchen a soft yellow, but after a month I repainted. Something about it just didn't feel right.

Jocelyn said...

Color, what would we do without color? Color draws out the creativity and style I enjoy. It's the eye candy that makes life vivid and exciting. As I have gotten older I have been enjoying more depth in color. This book looks so great!

Patty said...

I love color. Most colors make me happy. I like to mix colors and sometimes it's a hit and other times it's a bust but either way I have fun.

Willa said...

As a sewer and watercolor painter, color has always been important. As a mathematician, color theory appealed as it seemed to fit mathematical principles.

Following the death of someone very dear to me, I could not see color for a year and a half. I welcomed it back.

Quiltsmiles said...

Color is fantabulous! Depending on the seasons and my mood, I gravitate differently at times towards many personal favorites. Two of my all time faves are PERIWINKLE and I also love Chartreuse. I also enjoy black immensely and use that many times in my quilting.
How they make me feel.... ALive, Grateful, peaceful, energetic, sublime, knowing, clearly many moods.
Regards from across Lake Champlain!


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