The random number generator worked it's magic...

The Winner of the Tea Towel Giveaway is Geralyn Gray!

Congratulations! I'm glad to hear that you love our tea towels. Please email us your mailing address so that we can send your Tea Towel to you. (

Thank you all for participating in the Tea Towel Giveaway, I appreciate every entry that was posted. They were wonderful to read, and perhaps you'll see some pictures of your recipe being eaten in the near future - some sound too delicious to not try!



Deb said...

Congratulations to Geralyn! Looking forward to trying some of the recipes listed too :-)

Solanah said...

I know this is a late thank you, but thank you so much for your comment on my blog! It was amazing getting such a compliment from you, I had to read the name over and over!


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