Happy Mother's Day

My Mother

If you know my mother,

And maybe you do,

Because maybe your mother

Is like my mother too.

Then you know a mother

As strong as a trap,

As soft as a pillow,

As warm as a lap.

You know a mother

Who grandmothers

Your children,

And mothers your friends,

She is open to life and all of its people,

She can talk to the men

About politics.

The boys about sports

The girls about love

And issues of all sorts.

The hairdresser loves her, the café owner too;

The bridge group demands her,

Her grandchildren know she’s the best.

She’s exceedingly self effacing,

Denying her brainier cogitation,

She’s particular about cleaning yet

She loves impressionist art

Decorating is her hobby,

She likes to keep her home fresh.

She loves to go places,

To be with her family is the best.

She honors the past

But mostly embraces the present

She’s an undeclared artist,

A shy watercolor painter,

Her children love her art, from her talented heart.

She’s loyal, she’s kind and fierce when need be,

She’s forgiving; she’s friendly and cheers others constantly.

Most of all she’s my dear mother, my telephone end, my model, my acceptance, my goodness, my friend.

Mother, dear mother,

Thank you, for you.

Happy Mothers Day Mom,

I hope there’s more out there like you! xx


Lisa Kettell said...

How wonderful, what a wonderful post!
Thank You for Sharing!
Magic and Joy!

Anne Reeves said...

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I think it is smart of you to have a blog. Very nice.

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