On the coast - summertime.

I was on the coast - but not the east or west ones - but the southern coast - in fairhope alabama - on the mobile bay - there were pelicans - lots of them - I don't think you can call them a flock - but their big prehistoric looking bodies were silhouetted against the setting sun. I visited A Place Remembered - a cool shop in the downtown of Fairhope - owned by Lynne and Mary Jane and Ciann - all wonderful women who are southern gracious with undertones of french style[especially Mary Jane] absorbed perhaps from the latent prints left by bygone settlers - or from her trips to Paris - they carry our linens, and rugs and french soaps and our nighties - their shop smells great - and it was all a twitter with friends and customers.
I saw the sprawling live oaks - wow - tree time beautiful - long country roads full of them - you can imagine living in them as a child , climbing in their branches that scoop in and out of the ground.
And I learned about something truely amazing - the Jubilee - that's when the oxygen in the water in the Mobile Bay becomes very low and the fish become dozy and can be just picked out of the water by the hundreds and thousands - it happens at night and people run from their homes and gather the fish. Apparently there is only one other spot where this occurs and it is in India.
In the evening we dined alfresco - West Indies salad with fresh crab meat and tomato pie - oh it was so good, on top of fcharming ishy tablecloths and with a huge bouquet of sunflowers holding the cloth down in the warm wind.
I swung on a tire swing and listened to an accordian and drank champagne and laughed.
Wish you were there!

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